Real name
Head of Marketing & PR 


Sandra Honner joined audius in 2016. She is responsible for all marketing and PR activities of the audius Group.


The Remstal Gartenschau 2019 is the first nationwide garden show to take place in 16 towns and municipalities. From May the 10th to October 2019, the Remstal will be transformed into an endless garden.

Over a length of 80 kilometres, an entire landscape area will be staged for 164 days and will be upgraded far beyond, through many arrangements and civic commitment.

With audius, the city of Weinstadt was able to win another sponsor for the garden show in Weinstadt.

Mayor Michael Scharmann and CEO Rainer Francisi have now signed the contract. "With your support you show the solidarity of the company audius with Weinstadt and the people in the region", said city boss Scharmann at the joint signing ceremony.